Interviews (Videos)

Interview/food demo on SMTV – ‘Angela Stokes Vegetarian Recipe’

My interview in 2007 with the Supreme Master TV crew ;) I also made an avocado/cilantro dip as a raw food demo on this clip.

‘Interview With Angela Stokes’ – my interview with Jinjee of ‘’

The beautifully-edited preview to a full-length interview I did with Jinjee Talifero in 2006.

Raw Food Weight Loss – BBC News

Angela Stokes on the BBC News. Angela speaks about her remarkable weight loss transformation with raw foods. She lost around 160lbs (11.5 stone) with a raw lifestyle and shares this powerful message of healing with the world on

To read more of Angela's thoughts on how to go raw successfully, happily and for the long-term, see her books HERE.